I already had quite a few tools installed on my laptop, like ruby, jekyll, bundler. I had these tools installed because I onced used jekyll to create a static website for mcmi. It seems that I usually work on projects and come back to them after very long time, and forget everything about how I got things done. So now I plan to record steps I did on this blog for future reference.

So for this blog I started following the jekyll quick start guide.

#Create a new jekyll site
jekyll new myblog
#switched to directory
cd myblog
#Build the site on the preview server
bundle execute jekyll serve

Some changes I had to make in the _config.yml include the following:

  1. under site settings change baseurl to /myblog this is required for the live github repo to work properly
  2. changing gem to plugins under the build settings

And thats it, the blog is now live.